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what a banger asset

Thank you so much!


Thanks so much for this asset. Just what I needed at the moment. Please what did you use for the smoke?

No worries at all! I actually just used a 16x16 opaque black circle with a particle emitter in Construct 2. It took some fine-tuning to get it to look right though.

I could give more details about specifics if you like, but I'm not sure if it'd be helpful outside of Construct!

Does that help at all?


Thanks so much. It helps. Though I use godot so I will just fine a way to do it

No worries, I'm glad if it helped a bit. Yeah, Godot is the engine I'm focusing on learning at the moment - I just hopped back onto Construct 2 to put this quick demo project together. :) Best of luck with the smoke effect in Godot!


Thank you.